If you find yourself approaching retirement age or would have been there already if not for the government’s change to retirement at 67 instead of 60, yet still aspire to retire in abundance as you initially planned, you’ve come to the right place.

I’m Jan Moss, and I am thrilled to share my first blog post on my brand-new blog.

Retire sooner, Live Abundantly: Intro Vlog

In this blog, I will explore various ways for you to achieve your retirement dreams, regardless of whether you want to retire at 60 or any other age.

My aim is to help you attain financial abundance, which has become even more crucial at a time when many people struggle just to make ends meet, let alone prepare for retirement.

While finances will be a major focus of this blog, it won’t be the sole topic.

I understand that even with all the wealth in the world, poor health, both physical and mental, can overshadow any financial success. Therefore, I’ll be sharing natural methods to maintain good health and ways to lead a fulfilling life in general.

If you already run a business, I’ll be offering marketing tips and insights from the plethora of courses I’ve taken over the years.

Video marketing, blogging, and other essential aspects will be covered so that you too can benefit from the knowledge I’ve gained.

Moreover, I am excited to announce the upcoming “Sick of the Rat Race” portal, where I will delve deeper into this valuable information.

Initially, it will be available for free, and if you join the holding list now, you’ll have a three-month trial to explore its contents.

Whilst the portal might evolve into a paid service in the future, I’m committed to providing abundant free information on the blog.

I value your input, so please return for my subsequent blog posts and share what you’d like to know more about.

Whether it’s related to my current endeavors or any other topics of interest, don’t hesitate to leave your questions in the comments section. I’ll ensure genuine questions get through and will either respond in the comments or dedicate a full blog post to address them.

Additionally, I’m open to interviewing individuals who have successfully established multiple streams of income or those with valuable insights on maintaining good mental and physical health.

If you think you fit the bill for either, please reach out to me, and we can schedule a live or recorded video interview to share your wisdom with the blog’s audience.

My goal is to produce at least one blog post per week, possibly more in the initial stages.  I want to ensure there’s ample content for you to explore right from the start.

I can’t wait to embark on this journey and share valuable information with you.

Thank you for joining me, and I look forward to this adventure together.

Please leave me a comment and feel free to share!

Additional Resources

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